Zu Holocaustgedenktag 2012
This clip complements the previous two clips in the series 'I Will Survive: Dancing Auschwitz.'
In June 2009, I, together with my father, my four children and niece, travelled to Poland to retrace my parents' past. While on a cattle wagon at Radagost Station in Lodz, my father experiences flashbacks. He reenacts the memory of his three-day journey in a similar cattle wagon, heading to Auschwitz, 65 years earlier, and appears to enter a trancelike state. In his native tongue, he carries on an improvised dialogue with the imaginary peasants he passed on the way.
This clip also raises my own personal concerns as a Jew. I ask my father: 'Do I look like a 'JEW?' I ask my mother: 'If you had your time again, would you choose to be Jewish?' and I ask my daughter: 'What did you feel when you returned to Australia?'
"Zu "I will survive" tanzt der 89-jährige Auschwitzüberlebende Adolek Kohn in einem Video vor der Kulisse mehrerer KZs und ist so zum Youtube-Star geworden." -> quelle taz
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